Where to sleep?

Ultima modifica 28 dicembre 2023

Guardiano delle Acque

Address: via Pavese 1 - Moriago frazione di Zibido San Giacomo
Tel: 0290002821/ 3207430796/ 3381894737
The Guardiano delle Acque was established in 1988 in the ancient building of the hydraulic guardian of the Naviglio Pavese. Completely restored, today it houses the studio and the art gallery of the sculptors Anna Maria Miglietta and Giacomo Sparasci. It is possible to stay overnight with B&B accommodation in the room on the first floor.

La Pergola

Address: S.S. dei Giovi, 23 - Badile frazione di Zibido San Giacomo
Tel: 0290090692/ 3381854397
La Pergola is located inside a typical Lombard farmhouse recently renovated and just a few steps from the Naviglio Pavese. The structure has double rooms and apartments, suitable for both short and long periods. All rooms have a TV set. A large parking area is available to customers.

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