Sport English

Ultima modifica 28 dicembre 2023

Zigò is an ideal route for those who want to play sports in the midst of nature. The route is about 20 km long, spread over cycle paths or dirt roads with reduced traffic and uniformly flat ground (except for the two motorway flyovers).


Two-wheel enthusiasts can ride it with any type of bicycle in about two hours. You can also rent bicycles at the MUSA. Zigò is an itinerary suitable for those who want to ride in the countryside enjoying the beauty of the itinerary without too much physical effort.


Zigò is also suitable for those who love running. Every year a competitive footrace entitled “Corriamo insieme” takes place here on the second Sunday of November. The possible distances are 4, 10 and 21 km.

Fitness trail

Along the way, near the Carcana Lakes, there is also a fitness trail for those who want to do gymnastic exercises in the open air.

Sport fishing

The Carcana Lakes are equipped as a fishing reserve. There are three lakes where it is possible to fish various types of fish. In the first one, you can fish for trout and in the warm season up to midnight sturgeons, carp, grass carp and other groundfish. In the second one, you can fish all the predators and you can do carp fishing. In the third, you can fish trout all year round.

Horse riding

At Cascina Santa Marta there is a riding school which currently hosts 15 horses. It is possible to approach the world of horse riding (with lessons in English riding and equestrian vaulting) or take wonderful walks in the countryside.

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