For young people and couples

Ultima modifica 26 luglio 2023

How many times have you dreamed of a life, or at least a few hours, away from the frenzied city?

The time has come to rediscover the flavours of Nature, to breathe the scents of the countryside and to enjoy the magic of a sunset surrounded by woods and fields.

To enjoy a place like this, you don’t need to go far because you can find it just 5 km away from Milan.

Come and discover Zigò, a new cycling-experiencing itinerary in the heart of the Parco Agricolo Sud Milano where you can live the countryside actively!

Walking along Zigò is a way to immerse yourself in the nature and the culture of the territory of the municipality of Zibido San Giacomo. Along the way, you will meet herons that rise in flight, hares that jump among the rice fields, ancient farmhouses that still produce excellent foods and much more.

The 20 km route starts at the Cascina Salterio along the Naviglio Pavese, the canal which connects Milan and Pavia.  You can rent bikes and visit the Salterio Museum - Taste and Landscape Warehouse with its multimedia rooms.

After the visit, jump in the saddle to immerse yourself in this fantastic territory. After skirting the Naviglio Pavese, Zigò will lead you through large paddy fields, magnificent cultivated fields and ancient farmhouses. Along the way, eight columns will help you learn much more about the landscape which surrounds you. Find the QR code with your smartphone to watch videos and discover curiosities about your surroundings.

During your bike trip, you can take a rest stop in one of the many farms where you can taste and buy the typical products of these lands. You can also have lunch in one of the restaurants.

You will quickly forget being so close to Milano and you can enjoy the beauty of a break of relaxation and tranquillity.

Reaching Zigò is very simple. You can go to the MUSA by car, by exiting the west ring road at Rozzano and driving a couple of kilometres along the Giovi provincial road. If you prefer, you can also arrive by bike from the MM2 underground station of Assago Milanofiori Forum pedalling for 4.5 km along the path of the Naviglio Pavese.

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